The education commission offers training and updates on the maritime, logistics, and port sector, thanks to the strategic alliances that the Maritime Chamber of Panama maintains with universities and recognized business schools.


Coordinator: Yira Poyser


Sea Experiences

The education commission joins the motto OMI2021 “Sea people at the heart of the future of maritime transport” and promotes their #ExperienciasDeMar project, to highlight the visibility of sea people and educate about the important work they play in ensuring a sustainable future for the maritime industry.



Workshop: #ExperienciasDeMar

April 7, 2021


Maritime World Day

September 23, 2020


Prizes Donation in the virtual nautical evening l

July 19, 2020

Contact us

    Phone: (507) 360-2165

    Email: [email protected]

    A.V.E Miguel Brostella, C.C Camino de Cruces, Oficina 601

    About us

    The Maritime Chamber of Panama is the benchmark of the Maritime and Logistics Industry of the Republic of Panama.

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